Week 5: FEB 16
Class links
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Two video presentations by John Bielenberg, Thinknado and Design Thinking on Acid
These will help prepare us for next class
Sketch notes should be less dictating and more interpreting. How does this new information impact you? What resonates with you from what you learned?
One slide per article/video/etc
Upload by TUE, 11pm PT
SN: The two videos from John Bielenberg
Nail down groups by the evening of FEB 18. This is important because your homework will require you to work in your groups.
Send me your Group Charter by FEB 20. Create a Google Doc with the responses from the Mural board. Have everyone agree to this before sending me the doc.
As a group, declare your vision. State your purpose. Name the dent in the universe you want to make. Aim high.
Come up with three challenges you see in your solution space. Jumping off points may include; issues with funding companies/orgs in the space, the lack of awareness of these solutions, hurdles that are in the way of mass adoption, certain policy that is in the way.
Look, listen, and learn from the people and places where you want to create positive change. The greatest ideas and opportunities reveal themselves in the field, not on your laptop.
Start to find people and orgs in your solution space. These are your Solutions Space Partners. Connect with them, ask questions, gain insights from your conversations, have them guide you in explore more of the space. Feel free to send me the names of your Solutions Space Partners. I might know them and can intro you.
Come back to class with at least 5 possible partners
Create a presentation that highlights;
- your top three challenges from your research and why people should care
- the work that your possible Solution Space Partners are doing
- Any examples or inspiration from non-climate that inspires you
Note: Do not present YOUR solutions to the brief. We are not there yet.