We believe in values that shape our work and the world
Climate Designers are pro-human
As designers from all industries, we may each have unique skills from one another, but one thing we share is a desire to make life better for all people.
In all of our work, we value equity, inclusion, and dignity for all including Black, Indigenous, People of Color, queer, trans, non-binary, blind, and people with disabilities. Regardless of country of origin, immigration or refugee status, or difference in cultures, we value all human life and seek to amplify everyone's voice. Everyone has, and deserves, a seat at the table, and our unconditional solidarity.
We are a global community inclusive to all, and we take action when we observe someone being oppressed, demeaned, or treated unfairly.
We humans have always (until colonialism and industrialization) been stewards of the land, working with nature to create a balanced ecosystem where humans can thrive and our natural resources regenerate indefinitely. We are creative enough to find solutions that restore the mutually beneficial relationship between humans and our environment.
Climate Designers realize all designers are culture-makers
Designers create work that influences culture and reflects the culture they live in. We need to be culture-savvy and progressive, in tune and ahead of the curve, always paying attention to trends and movements.
We are keen observers of culture, open to many diverse perspectives. We collaborate with those from different cultural backgrounds to open our perspectives further.
We are always curious, always learning, bringing inspiration into our work from unlikely places.
By nature of the job, designers are more open to radical change than most. We thrive on change where most people dread it. We know change is good when we learn from our past and build with intention.
Climate Designers are excited to design a better world
We look at climate work with optimism & opportunity over doom & gloom. We know that fear paralyzes, while opportunity motivates.
We don’t share messages that only describe how bad the problem is. We are not trying to convince climate deniers, we’re way beyond that conversation.
We share messages giving action steps. What can people do with this information? Point the way.
We encourage people to get excited about new possibilities we haven’t even thought of yet. We have an amazing opportunity to redesign society for the better. As designers, we're uniquely suited to paint a picture of the amazing futures we envision.
Climate Designers are fighting for transformational system change
We have reached a point where large, systemic transformational change is what's needed to avert the worst possible outcomes of climate change. While individual behavior change is always helpful, we must focus our energy to drive collective action towards industry and policy change.
This work will require massive cultural movements and public pressure to change government and corporate policies quickly.
We have seen big cultural movements and behavior changes are possible, and we learn from what works in other movements to see how we can inspire change in climate (examples: shift from taxis to Ubers, from purchasing music to streaming subscriptions, Black Lives Matter & Pride movements).
Climate Designers try things and learn from mistakes
Perfection is the enemy of good, we don’t have time anymore to wait.
Feeling like we only get one shot to get it right will keep us from taking action.
We need to step out and try bold things, even though we won’t feel ready.
We can learn from small experiments and then think about scaling solutions we’ve already tested (nail it before you scale it).
We welcome and expect to be called out rather than fear it. We look forward to finding out what’s wrong so we can fix it.
Though our differences may be many, our shared human experience unites us. By embracing our common humanity with compassion, collectively we will be able to imagine and build a brighter, verdant future.