Our principles ground us in the work we do
Designers Shift Culture
Designers must step into the power we possess to shape social norms and move the status quo. Along with that power comes the responsibility for what we create. While we often create messages and campaigns that shift culture for the benefit of corporations who hire us, we can instead direct our skills and power to create a culture that demands nothing less than a joyful, equitable, passionate, loving, and regenerative civilization.
All Design Must Be Inclusive
We must shift our methodologies to avoid Design Imperialism and instead co-create solutions with communities who will be impacted. For too long, we have contributed to the oppression of our people — ignoring the communities most affected by our choices. We must strive for solidarity.
All Design Must Be Regenerative
For too long we have designed incomplete systems — ignoring our product's full life cycles, creating massive waste & pollution. Our incomplete, unintended consequences are piling up in our landfills, our atmosphere, and our oceans. We can no longer claim ignorance, we must design systems that heal rather than destroy.
All Design Must Create Measurable Change
For 50+ years we've seen environmentalists launch projects and campaigns that come & go, and yet our climate emergency is now a more imminent threat than ever. Without measuring impacts, we risk wasting time and energy on ineffective ideas. We have very little time and a lot of work to do. We must shift our methodologies to know that what we are doing is truly creating change. And, we have to do it quickly, which requires clarity, efficiency, and measurability.