You’re a Surprising Validator – Name and Fame your Climate Story

Season 3: Episode 17

How can you be a role model to inspire climate action amongst your friends, family, and neighbors? Does one positive action create a domino effect for more? What’s a surprising validator?

Andrea Learned joins Eric to share her work being done at her consultancy and the Living Change Podcast to empower climate leaders into creating more climate action. Her initiatives help “name and fame” climate leaders to showcase how you can emulate them and also be a positive force in the climate movement. Andrea’s consultancy and podcast help you become a climate leader using your existing social capital and influence to change social norms for the better.

In addition, Andrea discusses how her work in food and biking (low-carbon transportation) are interconnected and are habits that are relatively easy to change resulting in a big and positive climate impact.

You’re a Surprising Validator – Name and Fame your Climate Story
Climate Designers
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About our guest

Andrea Learned is a recognized climate action catalyst wielding her voice as a podcast host, commentator, and enthusiastic leadership spotter and promoter.

She advises climate- and sustainability-focused corporate, political, and cultural influencers to build their digital platforms, establish media relationships and develop visibility that gets noticed – and drives change.

On the web




Personal website + Living Change Podcast

Resources in this episode

Verge 2023


Women and Climate

Land Use Infographics

The Livable Communities Initiative

“Sustainable Communities Influence with Alex Fisch” -Living Change Podcast

Clever Carbon

“Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness” (book)

Drawdown solution(s)

Transportation & Food, Agriculture and Land Use

Episode topic tags

e-bikes, cycling, surprising validator, name and fame, veganism, vegetarianism,

Download episode transcript

Find more about how to teach climate design in your classroom at

Music in this episode

Nature sound effect by – ©2023 BBC

Theme music by Casual Motive

Design Team

Ellen Keith Shaw

Christine Piolet


Brandee Nichols

Bianca Sandiko

Michelle Ngyuen


Climate Design Assignments

At the end of each episode, we ask our guests what their ideal climate design project would be. They have four weeks with a class full of design students. We translated their response into a project brief that you can use for your class.


You Already Are an Amazing Climate Leader


Climate Entrepreneurship and the Future of Food