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Relevant links
- Bring one piece of news that resonates with you into class 👉
- Start engaging on Slack (share, comment: 3x/week)
- A list of resources to kick off your project
Sketch Notes with solutions and companies (go thru them and find something that relates to your group)
- SN: Bring in an example of a Think Wrong approach for both climate and non-climate. Campaigns, projects, products, services, movements, etc.
Examples should check off 2 out of 6 bullets below:
Has a positive social impact
Design plays a key role
Technology plays a key role
Has a global reach
Changed policy
Sparked national conversations on news or social media
One example per slide. Include url to website/article/video and a response to each bullet that the example covers. Be prepared to share with the class.
For TH: Every member should have filled out the board individually
For MON: Send me a PDF
Sketch notes should be less dictating and more interpreting of content.
Really think about what you are absorbing and how it relates to your life, project, or how it is changing your way of thinking.
What new ideas, questions, connections, or insights came up?
Your notes aren’t just for me, but for your group as well.
One slide per article/video/etc.
Upload by the night before the next class.
NPR Hourly update (audio)
Up First (audio)
The Climate Daily (audio)
KQED’s Bay Curious (audio)
AP Top News (blog)
Reuters’ World (blog)
Curious.Earch (blog)
Inside Climate News (blog)
The Daily Climate (blog)
Latest Videos from NowThis (video)