2022: End of the Year Celebration
How is 2022 almost over?!
Join us in December for a special end-of-the-year celebration with members to celebrate together and form new connections for the new year.
We'll discuss all of the GPS events since launching them back in July.
What have you learned?
Which speakers stood out?
How have you implement lessons and frameworks in your work?
What topics would you like to see covered in 2023?
This is event is open to Supporting Members.
This event is free for Supporting Members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.

Become a Narrative Warrior
Designers - do you want to make a difference in your workplace and are not sure what to do? You know the call for urgent action on climate change requires a collective effort for organizations to respond effectively to these challenges, but how do you push your organization to take bolder action when you're not the CEO or part of the C-suite? Sounds impossible? Not really. It can start with challenging dominant mental models in the organization through the development of new narratives and using your design powers to get sh*t done!
Join Raz Godelnik to explore why narratives play an important role in the fight to move away from sustainability-as-usual, what narratives we need to ignite the desired shift in mental models, and most importantly: how to become a narrative warrior. The event will include a workshop and Q&A to develop narrative strategies that they can later apply in their workplace.
An understanding of the importance of narratives and what makes them effective for impulsing change.
A framework for engaging with internal stakeholders of your organization with climate narratives.
A set of different strategies to become a narrative warrior.
15 min: intro
30 min: workshop
15 min: Q&A
5min: closing
This event is free for Supporting Members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.
Raz Godelnik is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Design and Management at Parsons School of Design - The New School in New York, where he explores sustainable business models and how companies can respond effectively to the climate crisis. Currently, he serves as the Director of the BBA Strategic Design & Management program. His book “Rethinking Corporate Sustainability in the Era of Climate Crisis - A Strategic Design Approach” was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2021.
Raz's book
Sandbox Zero

Project Drawdown Lab: Climate solutions at work: unleashing your employee power
The all-encompassing nature of the climate crisis means that our response must be equally expansive. We need everyone using their skills, knowledge, and resources to help fight climate change and bring the world toward drawdown. Every job must become a climate job, and designers—as problem solvers and culture makers—are key to this transformation.
Join Drawdown Labs to learn how employees can use their expertise to integrate climate into their roles and push their companies to achieve a higher standard for corporate climate action. The event will include a breakout session and Q&A to explore how designers specifically can take climate action in their roles, which will help inform future Drawdown Labs employee resources.
A framework for understanding climate solutions and key leverage points that span every sector of the economy.
An understanding of how to discern whether your company’s climate goals are reaching a level of ambition that matches the scope of the climate crisis.
An expanded view of what it means to take climate action in your role as a designer, and in the workplace more generally.
Key considerations and next steps for making your design job a climate job.
Climate Solutions at Work presentation [30 min]
Breakout session [15 min]
Shareback [5 min]
Closing Q&A/discussion [10 min]
This event is free for supporting members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.
Jamie Alexander
Project Drawdown Labs
Aiyana Bodi
Senior Associate,
Project Drawdown Labs

Decolonizing Design with Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)
Decolonizing Design with Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) introduces methodologies and properties of materiality that incorporates significant Indigenous knowledge systems that relate to the place/land/environment, language, aesthetic, visual culture, history, and design. The presentation will support the continuum of Indigenous creative processes of reciprocity with the use of natural resource indigenous and available within land territories of North America. The understanding of reciprocity will allow designers and creatives to be mindful of exploitation of resources, as well as move towards greater tactics when combating global warming.
Participants will gain a better understanding of the histories and contexts to Indigenous materials, methods, and natural resources used in visual media that focus on indigenous identity and reflect the process of reciprocity.
Participants will see greater visual representation methods when communicating with Indigenous sovereign nations with land tropes, as well as observe functional shifts in environmental justice and land rights of the Indigenous demographic that depend on visual sovereignty.
Participants will be encouraged to increase their cultural competencies in their research processes when using a Traditional Ecological Knowledge framework in their systemic design and/or visual communication practices.
5 min: Introduction
45 min: Presentation
15min: Q&A and Discussion
This event is free for supporting members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.
Listen to our interview with Sadie on Climify
Sadie Red Wing is a Lakota graphic designer and advocate from the Spirit Lake Nation of Fort Totten, North Dakota. Her research on cultural revitalization through design tools and strategies created a new demand for tribal competence of decolonization in research. Red Wing urges Native American graphic designers to express visual sovereignty in their design work, as well as, encourages academia to include an indigenous perspective in design curriculum.

How to talk about the climate crisis without alienating your coworkers
Eco-anxiety is the new everyday for more and more of us. Talking about the climate crisis is one of the most powerful actions you can take to help - but how do you begin that conversation without paralyzing or alienating people? This workshop explores the barriers we face when broaching the subject of the climate, and how to talk about it in a way that will engage people.
Attendees will develop confidence in starting climate conversations, get practical tips for effective climate communication, and the chance to work with other workshop attendees.
5 min: Short introduction to why it’s important to bring up climate conversations and what we mean by a ‘climate conversation’
10 min: Chance to talk to fellow participants about what’s stopping them from talking about it or the obstacles they encounter
10 min: Presentation of some top tips on how to connect with the person or group you’re talking to
10 min: Short activity to help us express our feelings and thoughts better
10 min: Presentation of the Do’s and Don'ts of climate conversations
5 min: Opportunity to try it out with other participants
This event is free for supporting members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.
All times listed are Pacific
Cass Hebron is a climate activist and communications consultant for environmental NGOs. She runs The Green Fix newsletter, a twice-monthly email roundup of practical ways to build a greener and fairer world for anyone who's concerned about the climate crisis. Previously, she has worked for Fair Trade, Oxfam EU, Friends of the Earth Europe, BBC Media Action and CAN Europe.

Expedition Reclamation Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Expedition Reclamation is a documentary seeking to redefine “outdoorsy” and reclaim belonging in the outdoors for Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color by highlighting their joyful, resilient, & transformative relationships to outdoor recreation.
Film will be streamed on Zoom, followed by a virtual panel with the women behind the film.
Erin Joy Nash @erinjoynash
Chelsea Murphy @she_colorsnature
Sanjana Sekhar @sanj__
Expedition Reclamation trailer: Vimeo & Instagram
Hear first hand from BIWOC about their relationship with the outdoors
Learn from the women behind the film about creative storytelling in the face of the climate crisis, their process, and more!!
Inspirational perspective on approaching the climate crisis with optimism and hope
10 min: Intros
50 min: Film Screening
1 hr: Panel Discussion
This event is free for supporting members of Climate Designers — sign up here and get your first month free, cancel anytime.
This event is brought to you by the Climate Designers Boston chapter
All times listed are Pacific
Listen to our interview with Sanjana Sekhar about the film and event
Erin Joy Nash (she/her) is a visual storyteller working to incite change and foster connection through filmmaking and photography. Her work focuses on elevating voices of womxn and BIPOC around issues of intersectional feminism, antiracism, environmental justice, and compassionate living. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest on P'Squosa (Wenatchi) homelands and is the founder of Brave Space Media.
Chelsea Murphy (she/her) is a nature-loving advocate on a mission to bring diversity to the outdoors. Recognizing the lack of culture and diversity in outdoor recreation, her work promotes the idea of re-creating what it means to be “outdoorsy.” She strives to be a representation both to her daughters and to fellow Black and Brown women, inspiring them to get outdoors with confidence.
Sanjana Sekhar (she/her) is an Indian-American filmmaker, climate activist, & outdoor wanderer. Her work seeks to amplify character-driven stories that heal our human relationships to ourselves, each other, and our planet, with a specific interest in socioecological justice, ancestral knowledge, and systems of re-nourishment. Sanjana is based in LA on Tongva homelands.