Radically Sustainable Living: Michael Reynolds and the Earthship Revolution

Season 4: Episode 7

Series 1: Lifestyle as Systems Change

The guests in our lifestyle series are all “walking the walk.” They have integrated climate consciousness into their everyday lives and ways of being. For these experts, climate action is not a discrete choice, but an intrinsic part of their lives. From them, we can learn how to transform our own practices and mindsets to be mores sustainable and future-focused.

In this episode, Michael Reynolds, the founder of Earthship Biotecture, shares his extensive journey in architecture and sustainable housing with Eric. He discusses the faults of how we currently build and his successes using "garbage" to build self-sufficient homes. The conversation covers his philosophy on resilience, the importance of local action, and the need for large lifestyle changes to combat climate challenges.

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About our guest

Michael E. Reynolds is a trailblazing architect renowned for his innovative approach to sustainable and eco-friendly building design. Born in 1945, Reynolds has dedicated his career to challenging conventional building methods, pioneering the concept of Earthship Biotecture—a philosophy centered on utilizing recycled materials and passive solar design principles to create self-sufficient homes. His work embodies a harmonious blend of creativity, functionality, and environmental consciousness, earning him global recognition as a leading figure in sustainable architecture. With a commitment to empowering communities and promoting environmental stewardship, Reynolds continues to inspire architects and enthusiasts alike to rethink the way we build for a more sustainable future.

Links mentioned in this episode

Upcoming Seminar Hosted by Michael Reynolds in Taos

Learn to Build Earthships with our 1 month long Academy

Learn to Build Earthships with our online academy

Earthship Books:

The Earthship Volume Series : How to build your own

Michael Reynolds Autobiographies

Construction Drawings:

Earthship Drawing set sale on 2 bed 2 bath Refuge "Mike's Model T"

Interview Outline

00:00 Introduction and Podcast Overview

00:26 Meet the Hosts: Eric and Abigail

00:43 Season Format and Episode Structure

02:00 Guest Introduction: Michael Reynolds

02:20 Michael Reynolds' Background and Philosophy

04:41 Interview Highlights: Determination and Innovation

05:36 Challenges and Stigmas in Sustainable Architecture

08:53 Michael Reynolds' Vision for Sustainable Housing

10:05 Early Influences and College Years

25:23 Building the First Earthships

25:55 The Refuge Design and Future Plans

34:14 Addressing Homelessness and Economic Insecurity

34:51 Living Sustainably with Solar Power

35:54 Minimizing Profit for Greater Impact

37:42 Lifestyle Changes for Health and Sustainability

41:40 The Quest for Truth and Survival

42:44 Advice for Younger Generations

47:58 Designing for Function Over Form

54:51 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

Music in this episode

Nature sound effect by bbc.co.uk – ©2023 BBC

Climify Theme Song by Casual Motive

The Season 4 Climify Team

Eric Benson (Host)

Cam Burkins (Producer)

Bhavna Bhavanishankar (Experience Researcher and Multisensory Educator)

Adam Dziaba (Designer)

Jacqui Himmel (Multimedia Journalist and Scriptwriter)

Abigail Zhuk (Design Researcher)


Climate Design Assignments

At the end of each episode, we ask our guests what their ideal climate design project would be. They have four weeks with a class full of design students. We translated their response into a project brief that you can use for your class.


Disrupting Design: Systemic Change with Leyla Acaroglu


Crossover Episode with Brands for a Better World: Haven’s Kitchen