- Bring one piece of news that resonates with you into class 👉
- Start engaging on Slack (share, comment: 3x/week)
- SN: Create and complete your Venn Diagram
- SN: "Meet the Fossils": Ancient life that powers our world
- SN: "Engine Trouble": How greenhouse gases threaten our world
- SN: "Oceans Give, Oceans Take": Their role in climate change
Sketch notes should be less dictating and more interpreting of content.
Really think about what you are absorbing and how it relates to your life, project, or how it is changing your way of thinking.
What new ideas, questions, connections, or insights came up?
Your notes aren’t just for me, but for your group as well.
One slide per article/video/etc.
Upload by the night before the next class.
NPR Hourly update (audio)
Up First (audio)
KQED’s Bay Curious (audio)
AP Top News (blog)
Reuters’ World (blog)
Latest Videos from NowThis (video)