OCT 13
Relevant links
- Bring one piece of news that resonates with you into class 👉
- Start engaging on Slack (share, comment: 3x/week)
- Keep uploading images of your sketches, storyboards, etc onto your group’s Slack channel.
- In a shared Mural board among your group, address the following:
1. What is your project idea?
Describe your project in 3–5 sentences
What is the goal?
What does success look like?
Each of you should individually write these up and then compare your answers on MON.
2. Create a persona of your intended audience:
Age range
Where they live
Their goals
Their fears
Pain points
Questions they may have
3. Build out your list of Solution Space Partners:
What they do
How they fit into your project
Contact info
All of this content, along with your storyboard, will be gathered to create a deck to share with your Solution Space Partner as you discuss your project with them. Your Solution Space Partners are the experts in helping you test your idea.
None for today
NPR Hourly update (audio)
Up First (audio)
The Climate Daily (audio)
KQED’s Bay Curious (audio)
AP Top News (blog)
Reuters’ World (blog)
Curious.Earch (blog)
Inside Climate News (blog)
The Daily Climate (blog)
Latest Videos from NowThis (video)