Week 13: APR 20


Notes on final presentation

Be visual, engage us with a story

Your slides should support your story, not tell it

Make your presentation compelling

Within the story part of your slides, avoid using headers on slides, placing PNGs of your designs by themselves on a slide, any charts & diagrams

Practice, practice, practice

Test audio and video before final recording


Notes on moving forward

Not every person should work on the same thing

Share your skills, your strengths, interests with group

List out deliverables and assign people to do them

Create a “Need to have” and “Nice to have” list

Share updates on Slack (DM or tag me for feedback)

Schedule check-ins with group outside of class

Start testing the whole experience


Appendix content

Final design deliverables


Updated Personas

Updated Customer Journey Map

Updated Storyboard

Process work / Iterations  

List of Solutions Partners

Insight from research

Insights from User Testing

3–5 Causal Loops

Katie's Behavior Mapping


  1. Test your whole experience with your Solution Space or intended audience.

    Again, when in doubt, test it out.

    Document each test for your project/appendix.

  2. Create an outline of your final presentation. Think of it as a wireframe, but for your slides. Sketch it out using placeholder images, content, etc. Make your outline clear enough to get proper feedback.


Week 14: APR 27


Week 12: APR 13